

The Javelin uses the same remote control as any other digibox and the controls and light indicators are also just the same. The main difference between the Javelin and conventional digiboxes is that the Javelin only has one SCART socket. It’s for output only and is for connecting the digibox to a TV. This means that, if a video or DVD player or another piece of equipment needs to be connected to the TV, a 2-way SCART socket needs to be used unless the Javelin's aerial output socket is used. Designed for use as a second box for SKY subscribers, the Javelin comes with a 230V-12V adaptor for use from a mains power supply. We also supply a 12V lighter socket lead with the unit for use in a vehicle.
Dimensions: 10.8” W x 7.8” D (inc. connectors) x 1.2” H (270mm W x 195mm D x 30mm H) Weight: 1.9Kg Power consumption is approx 1.25 Amps at 12 volts D.C.




